10 march

Publié le par tifaine bachet

Yesterday after school, at 3.30pm, after packing our luggage we took the car to go to Hokitika, a city on the West Coast!!!. During the trip we saw many different landscapes, a lot of mountains without grass, sheeps, and when we arrived near to that coast, the vegetation was very freen, a lot of trees, and other greens plants! It was amazing there was only 3 hours of trip but it seemed like we had changed of climat and country! It was just amazing! ( I took many pictures).  When we arrived, we planted our tents in the garden of friends' house. The houses on the West coast are really different i think. This family was very very nice!!!!

We went in this city in order to go to a famous festival, so friday night there was a lot of people invading the park of a high school, in the streets, ...a lot of young people making parties in houses, .... The evening we went to town to eat in the busy streets, it was really cool! ( i ate a special food from this town!)  After we went on the beach with Mary, Jordan and Margaret to make a big fire. Others people joined us, german people and a french girl. She was really nice (we talked all the night). We put marchmallos in the fire, it was excellent!!! After this great moment we came back home!

Today, after a night in the tent, we had a big breakfast ( bacon, sausages..). Then we went outside of the house to watch some planes making figures in the sky, it was really beautiful, two of them made a heart!!!!!!   We went to little nice market in town, then we went to the Wildfoods festival! THis year the theme was France (i guess) It was super!! Actually it's a festival where you can eat a lot of weird food of all the world, and you can also listen some bands performing on stage (the french girl). We ate specail things ( snails, chocolate with worms, .....). There i met another french person, Pierre Esquilat, a chef who is there since 23 years! It was really cool to meet some french persons! He made some french crepes at this festival, and he is the director of " Le cafe de Paris" in Hokitika. After that, we went to town to listen to some indians, who were singing and dancing.

We came back home later, to rest a bit; then we went to a lac, where Jordan and Tim had an entertaining swimming. It was gorgeous!! after we went quickly to a place where you can admire the mountains, and we saw a montain where you can find some gold and other stones. Finnaly we went to a tipically kiwi pub, where a famous add was shot. Inside it wsa really weird, there were all the pictures of the parties which took place in this pub!  We came back home to have dinner! This week-end was FABULOUS!!!!!!! the family was very nice with me!!!

Publié dans tifaine-in-newzealand

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