14 march

Publié le par tifaine bachet

Yesterday after a school day (I had all the subjects that Erin takes) we went to town with a lot of French (Aimie, Eve, Gemma, Paola, Amaury, Romain, Marjorie, Anne-laure, Marine and Ben!!). We  just sat at Starbuck coffee, then we did a bit of shopping. It was cool! I came back home around 7.00pm. After dinner i watched on the Tv The Amazing Race.

Today, it was almost the same thing, after school we went to town to do shopping, but not with the same persons, there was Juliette, Fanny, Romain, Amuary, Antoine, Francois..... We sat again in a Starbuck coffee. I went back home aroud 6 pm. Then i started to pack my luggage, and i went on the internet

Publié dans tifaine-in-newzealand

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